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09864032319 , 09678176577 datacomes@gmail.com


Course Name:Certificate in Adobe Illustrator

Course Duration:1 month

Course Fees:5,000


Illustrator Course – Introduction
Meeting Adobe Illustrator
Overview of Palettes
Control Bar

Adobe Illustrator Selection Tools
selection tool
direct selection tool
adding / removing to selections
tips / tricks for sleeker selecting

Adobe Illustrator Drawing Tools
bézier pen
adding / removing points
joining / cutting paths – knife tool
pencil tool
smooth tool
reshape tool
eraser tool

Adobe Illustrator Shapes
elliptic, poly, spiral, rectangle tools
drawing geometrics shapes
reshaping / resizing
transforming tool/ scale, reflect, shear and rotate
pathfinder palette

Adobe Illustrator Layout Tools
stacking order
grouping / ungrouping
align and distribute
Adobe Illustrator Colour
colour palettes
process / spot / global colours / pantones
swatch palette / adding / editing / deleting swatches
fills and strokes
gradient adding colour / editing colours / inkwells
eyedropper tool
paintbucket tool

Adobe Illustrator Type Tool
creating / editing type
typeface attributes / tracking / leading / kerning etc
type on a path
type path options
outline type
type area tool
frame options

Adobe Illustrator Images
importing images
matching image colour
linking / embedding images

Adobe Illustrator Print
printing files
print options

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