Advanced Practical CRT Monitor Repair

Course Code :APM
Course Duration: 2 months

Topics Covered

Overview On Computer Monitor Circuits (all circuit) Plus Correction Circuit.

Explanation on general and specialized test equipment

*How to identify monitor circuit section like Horizontal, Vertical, Pin Cushion, B+ & Etc.

How to use EEPROM Programmer to program EEPROM IC

*How to troubleshoot monitor digital controls
*How to rewind a B+ coil
*Understanding FET & Horizontal Output Transistor (HOT) in Monitor and how to locate a good substitution part number.
*How to make picture tube become brighter.
*How to use a light bulb to solve power problem
*How to modify color circuit
*How to use AC Ammeter to locate fault
*How to modify G2 (screen) Circuit, Flyback Transformer, SMPS Transformer, CRT and etc
*Understanding SDA & SCL Circuit
*How to build a tester to detect component failure in electronic circuit.
*How to find a good replacement for picture tube.
*How to modify a dual schotty diode and modulation / Damper diode package.
*How to modify a 17" flyback transformer that have blur problem


*How to use oscilloscope to test monitor circuits in power section, Horizontal, Vertical, Crystal, Color, B+ and High Voltage Circuit Continue with the oscilloscope topic

Troubleshooting And Repairing

*Troubleshooting And Repairing real monitor problem using meters, oscilloscope and voltage testing to locate fault such as No power, Missing Color, No Display, No High Voltage, high voltage shutdown, one horizontal/vertical line and etc. Continue to Troubleshoot and Repair real problems in CRT Monitors