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09864032319 , 09678176577 datacomes@gmail.com

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application
Course Code-PGDCA

Course Fees: 12,000


Semester I

Sl No Paper Code Subject Name Mark Theory Practical Marks (Internal)
1 1PGDCA1 Computer Fundamentals and Windows based Applications 70  
2 1PGDCA2 Communication Skills in English 100  
3 1PGDCA3 Programming in C 70  
4 1PGDCA4 Data Structure 100  
5 1PGDCA5 C programming Practical   30
6 1PGDCA6 Windows based Applications Practical   30


Sl No Paper Code Subject Name Mark Theory Practical Marks (Internal)
1 1PGDCA1 Mathematics 100  
2 1PGDCA2 Computer Organization and Architecture 100  
3 1PGDCA3 Data Structure with C 70  
4 1PGDCA4 OOPS with C++ 70  
5 1PGDCA5 C++ Practical   30
6 1PGDCA6 Data Structure with C Practical   30

Project work will carry Mark – 200
Detailed Syllabus
1PGDCA1—Computer fundamental and window based application

UNIT I: Computer Fundamentals

Introduction to Computers, Need for Computer Literacy.

UNIT II: Windows Based Applications Computer

The Definition, Basic Anatomy of Computers, Characteristics of Computers, Evolution of Computers, The Computer Generations.

UNIT III: Basic Computer Organization

Introduction, Components of a Digital Computer, The Input Unit, The Output Unit, The Central Processing Unit, The Control Unit, The Main Memory Unit, Storage Unit.

UNIT IV: Number Systems

Introduction, Classification of Number System, Different Number Systems, Conversions, Arithmetic Operations in Binary Systems.

UNIT V: Processor and Memory unit

Introduction, the Central Processing Unit, Registers, Instruction Sets, Program Interrupts, Processor Speed Memory, Memory Unit.

UNIT VI: Memory

Main Memory Organization, Main Memory Capacity, Other Types of Memory.

UNIT VII: Secondary Storage Devices

Introductions, Need of Secondary Storage Devices, Characteristics of Secondary Storage Devices, Types of Storage Devices. Magnetic Tape Systems, Magnetic Disk, Types of Disks, Optical Disk, Mass Storage Devices, Storage Hierarchy.

UNIT VIII: Input and Output Devices

Introductions, Input Devices, Data Scanning Devices, Digitizer, Electronic Card Reader,Voice Recognition Devices,Vision Input System, Output Devices, Voice Response System, Screen Image Projector.

UNIT IX: Computer Languages

Introduction, Analogy with Natural Languages, Computer Programming Languages, Low Level Languages, High Level Languages (HLL),Compiler Based and Interpreter based Language, Some High-level Languages, Some more High-level Languages,User-Friendly Languages, Object Oriented Languages, Characteristics of a Good Programming Language, Selecting a Language for coding an application Subprogram.

UNIT X: Word processor and Processor package

Introductions, Word Processor Packages, Database Management Packages, Spreadsheet

Packages, Office Automation Packages (Microsoft Office 2000).

UNIT XI: Application Software Packages

Desktop Publishing Software, Graphics, Multimedia and Animation Software, Application Software to Personal Assistance Package.

UNIT XII: Internet

Uses of the Internet Basic Services of Internet, WWW Browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE),Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts, Cookies, Browser Terms in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction To Computers By Subramanian.
2. Peter Norton’s Introduction To Computers By Norton ,Peter.

1PGDCA2 — Communication Skills in English

UNIT I: Concord & Forms of Verbs Rule of Concord or Agreement.
UNIT II: Forms of Verbs: Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Tenses with Since.
UNIT III: The Future Tense in Adverbial Clauses, Tense in Sentences of Condition.
UNIT IV: Idiomatic use of Prepositions and Conjunctions .
UNIT V: What is an Idiom, Idiomatic Use of Prepositions.
UNIT VI: Words Followed by prepositions.
UNIT VII: Structural Use of Infinitive, Gerund and Participles.
UNIT VIII: The Participle, the Infinitive, Gerunds.
UNIT IX: Common Errors in English Adjectives and Adverbs (Confused).
UNIT X: Comprehension: Good Manners, The Conjurer’s Revenge, The Home Coming,? My Last Will and Testament.
UNIT XI: Vocabulary Building in English Language Useful Words for Expressing Ideas. Derivations: Root Words.
UNIT XII: Prefixes and Suffixes, Antonyms and Synonyms,? Nationality Words: Names of Countries and People.

Reference Books:-

1. Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Matthew McKay (Paperback – Mar 3, 2009).
2. People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts by Robert Bolton (Paperback – Jun 1986).
3. The Hard Truth About Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They’d Learned Sooner by Peggy Klaus (Paperback – Jan 22, 2008).

1PGDCA3 — Programming in C

UNIT I: Origin and Introduction

Programming languages About C,Evolution of C, Structure of a C Program, Compilers & Interpreters Compiling a C Program, Pseudo Codes.

UNIT II: Data Types, Variables and Constants

Data Types Variables, Constants Operators, Type Modifiers and Expressions Operators Type Modifiers .

UNIT III: Tokens ,Expressions and Operators

Expressions Type Definitions Using ‘typedef’, Operators.

UNIT IV: Beginning with C program

Introduction to Input/Output Console I/O Functions Unformatted Console I/O Functions. A Simple C Program .

UNIT V: Control Constructs with Loops

Control Statements, Conditional Statements, Loops in C ,The break Statement, The Continue Statement, goto.

UNIT VI: Functions

Introduction to Functions, Function Declaration and Prototypes, Storage Classes Recursion in Function,call by value and call reference.

UNIT VII: Arrays

Introduction to Arrays One Dimensional Array Strings Two Dimensional, Array Multidimensional Array.

UNIT VIII: Pointers

Introduction to Pointers, Pointer Notation, Pointer Declaration and Initialization, Accessing Variable through Pointer, Pointer Expressions.

UNIT IX: Pointer with array

Pointer with array Arrays of Pointers ,Pointers and One Dimensional Arrays, , Pointer to two dimensional array.

UNIT X: Structures

Structure Definition, Structure Initialization, Arrays of Structures, Arrays within Structures, Structures within Structures, Passing Structures to Functions.

UNIT XI: Union

Definition and Declaration, Accessing a Union Member, Initialization of a Union Variable, Use of User Defined Type Declarations.

UNIT XII: File Handling in C

What is a File, Defining and Opening a File,Reading and writing Data, Sequential File, Functions for Random Access to Files.

Reference Books:

1. Programming in C By Stephen G. Kochan
2. Programming in C By M.T.Somashekara
3. Let Us C By Yashwant Kanitkar

1PGDCA4 — Data Structures

UNIT I: Basic of Data Representation

Introduction, Abstract Data type, Fundamental and Derived Data type, Representation, Primitive Data Structure, Symbol Table, Recursion.

UNIT II: Introduction to Algorithm Design and Data Structure

Basic Model of Computation, Procedure for Problem solving, Algorithms, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Top down and Bottom –Up Approaches to Algorithm Design, Complexity of Algorithm.

UNIT III: Arrays

Definitions, Array, Index or Subscript, Dimensions of an Array, Memory Allocation to Arrays, Memory Allocation to One-dimensional Array, Memory Representation of Two Dimensional Arrays, Memory Allocation to Three Dimensional Array, Memory Allocation to Multidimensional Array, Static and Dynamic Variables.

UNIT IV: Arrays with Functions

Intro to functions, advantage of using functions, Calling functions using arrays ,operation on arrays, String as an array of characters, pattern matching.

UNIT V: Application of Arrays

Addition and Subtraction of two matrix, Multiplication of two matrix, Transpose of a Matrix, Limitation of arrays.

UNIT VI: Intro to Pointers

Introduction to Pointer, Type Variables, Address of(&) and Dereferencing Operators(*), Pointers in C, Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation.

UNIT VII: Array and Pointers

Arrays of Pointers, Dynamic Representation of a Two-Dimensional Array.

UNIT VIII: Structures

Structure Definition, Arrays of Structures, Memory Allocation, Representation of Sparse Matrices.

UNIT IX: Linked List

Dynamic Allocation of Memory, Representation of Linked List, Types of Linked List, Implementation of Linked List, Operation of Linked List, Applications of Linked List, Polynomial Representation and Manipulation Using Linked List, Garbage Collection.

UNIT X: Stacks and Queue

Implementation of Stack, Array-based Implementation, Pointer-based Implementation, Applications of Stacks, Maze Problem, Evaluation of Expressions, Evaluating Postfix Expression, Simulating Recursive Function using Stack, Passing Arguments, Return from a Function, Representation of Queue Implementation of Queues, Circular Queue Array-based Implementation, Linked List Implementation, Applications of Queues, Priority Queues.

UNIT XI: Trees

Introduction to Trees, N-ary Tree, Linked Tree Representation, Binary Tree Traversal, Searching a Binary Tree, Heap Tree, AVL Trees, Threaded Trees, Splay Trees, B-Trees ,B+ Tree.

UNIT XII: Searching, Sequential and Binary Search, Indexed Search, Sorting,Hashing, Hashing Schemes, Hashing Functions.

Reference Books:

1. Data Structure By Scheum’s Series.
2. Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, John E. Hopcroft. Data Structures and Algorithms. Addison Wesley, 1983.

1PGDCA5 — C Programming Practical
UNIT I: Origin and Introduction,Data Types, Variables and Constants, Tokens, Expressions and Operators, Beginning with C program .
UNIT II: Control Constructs with Loops,Functions ,Arrays.
UNIT III: Pointers , Pointer with array.
UNIT IV:Structures ,Union,File Handling in C .
1PGDCA16— Window Based Application Practical


2PGDCA1 — Mathematics
UNIT I: Introduction to Business Mathematics.
UNIT II: Importance and Scope, Profit and Loss.
UNIT III: Simple and Compound Interest.
UNIT IV: Present Value, Annuities, Shares and Bonds.
UNIT V: Basic Algebra Surds and Indices, Logarithms.
UNIT VI: Linear and Quadratic Equations.
UNIT VII: Simultaneous Equations, Inequalities with Graphs, Arithmetic Progression (A.p.).
UNIT VIII: Geometric Progression (G.p.).
UNIT IX: Matrices and Determinants Matrices: Definition and Notations.
UNIT X: Special Types of Matrices, Matrix Operations, Determinants and Non-singularityRank of a Matrix.
UNIT XI: Inverse of a Matrix
UNIT XII: Solution of Equations (Unique Solution), Solution of Equations (Gauss-Elimination
Method), Calculus Theory of Sets, Relations and Functions, Limits and Continuity,Differentiation.

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Mathematics by Katariya Ramesh.
2. Mathematics For DCA- Volume 1 by Bikas Chandra Bhui, Dipak ChatterjeePublication :Vikas Publishing House.

2PGDCA2 — Computer Organization and Architecture
UNIT I: Introduction

Computer System, Components of a Computer System, Computer Organization, Data Representation, Performance Factors.

UNIT II: Digital Logic Circuits

Digital Computers,Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra.

UNIT III: Map Simplification and Flip Flop

Product-of-Sums Simplification, Don’t Care Conditions,Combinational and Sequential Circuits, intro to Flip Flops, Types of Flip Flops.

UNIT IV: Digital Components

Integrated Circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift Registers, Binary Counters.

UNIT V: Data Representation

Number System,Octal and Hexa Decimal Numbers,Decimal Representation,Complemets,Fixed-Point Representation,Floating-Point Representation,
Other Binary Codes.

UNIT VI: Register Transfer and Microoperations

Register Transfer Language,Bus and Memory Transfer, Airthmetic Microoperations, Logic Micro operations,, Shift Micro operations.

UNIT VII: Programming the Basic Computer

Introduction, Machine Language, assembly Language, The Assembler, Symbolic Program,Program Loops.

UNIT VIII: Central Processing Unit and Control Unit

Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Program Control, Program Interrupt Control Memory, Microprogramming, Computer Configuration, Design of Control Unit , Overview of RISC/CISC .

UNIT IX: Memory Organization

Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory or Primary Memory, Design of Main Memory ,Auxiliary Memory ,Virtual Memory, Memory Management ,Associative Memory .

UNIT X: Input-Output Devices

Introduction, Peripheral , Asynchronous Communication ,Asynchronous Serial Transfer, Asynchronous Communication Interface, Synchronous Communication, Character-Oriented Protocol.

UNIT XI: Input-Output Interface, Modes of Data

Input-Output Interface, Modes of Data Transfer, Interrupt , Multiple Interrupts ,Direct Memory Access (DMA).

UNIT XII: Hardware Interfacing Issues

Introduction, I/O Processing, Bus Interface, I/O versus Memory Bus, Data Transfer Techniques , Mode of Transfer , Software Routines, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Input output Processor (IOP), CPU-IOP Communication, Channel.

Reference Books:

1. Computer organization and architecture by William Stallings
2. Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Second Edition by Linda Null and Julia Lobur

2PGDCA3 — Data Structure with C

UNIT I: Sorting and Searching Techniques

Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Shell sorts and Sequential, Binary, Indexed Sequential Searches, Interpolation, Binary Search Tree Sort, Heap sort, Radix sort , Analysis of Algorithms, Algorithm, Pseudo code for expressing algorithms, time complexity and space complexity, O-notation, Omega notation and theta notation.

UNIT II: Hashing Techniques

Hash function, Address calculation techniques, Common hashing functions , Collision resolution , Linear probing, Quadratic, Double hashing, Bucket hashing, Deletion and rehashing .

UNIT III: Stacks

LIFO structure, creates, POP, PUSH.

UNIT IV: Queues

FIFO structure Priority Queues.

UNIT V: Linear List Concept.

UNIT VI: List v/s Array; Internal pointer & External pointer head, tail of a list, Null list, length of a list.

UNIT VII: Linked Lists: Nodes, Linked List Data Structure.

UNIT VIII: Linked Lists algorithms

Create List, Insert Node (empty list, beginning, Middle, end), Delete node(First, general case), Search list, Retrieve Node, add node, Remove node, Print List, Append Linked List, array of Linked; Complex Linked List structures: Header nodes, Circularly-Linked List, Doubly Linked List: Insertion, Deletion; Multilinked Lists: Insertion, Deletion.

UNIT IX:Introduction to Trees

Binary Trees: Travesals (breadth-first, depth-first); Expression Trees: (Infix, Prefix, Postfix Traversals); General Trees; Search Trees; Binary Search Trees .

UNIT X: Heap

Structure; Basic algorithms – ReheapUp, ReheapDown, Build heap, Insert, Delete .

UNIT XI: Multiway Trees

M-way search trees; B-Trees: Insertion (Inseet node, Search node, Split node, Insert entry), Deletion (Node delete, Delete entry, Delete mid, ReFlow, Balance, Combine), Traverse BTree; B-Tree Search.

UNIT XII: Graphs

Terminology; Operations (Add vertex, Delete Vertex, Add Edge, Delete Edge, Find Vertex); Traverse Graph (Depth-First, Breadth-First); Graph Storage Structures (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List); Networks: Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Path Algorithm, (Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, Warshall’s algorithm).

Reference Books

1. Data structure – A Pseudocode Approach with C – Richard F Gilberg Behrouz .
2. Schaum’s Outlines Data structure Seymour Lipschutz Tata McGraw Hill 2nd Edition .
3. Data structures & Program Design in C Robert Kruse, C.L.Tondo, Bruce Leung Pearson .
4. “Data structure using C” AM Tanenbaum, Y Langsam & MJ Augustein, Prentice Hall India.

2PGDCA4 — OOPS with C++

UNIT I: Principles of Object Oriented Programming

Software Evolution,Procedure Oriented Programming,Object Oriented Programming Paradigm,Basics of OOPs,Benefits of OOPs.

UNIT II: Classes And Objects

Introduction, Class , Object , Nature of Class, Types of Relationships, “Kind of” Relationship, “Is a” Relationship, “Has a” Relationship/Part of Relationship, Classification of Classes, Abstraction.Simple C++ Program, an example with Class, Creating the Source File, Compiling and linking.

UNIT III: Tokens and Expressions and Control statements

Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Basic ,user, derived data types, control statements, Loops and Jumping Statements.

UNIT IV: Arrays

Introduction, Arrays, Array Declaration, Important Points about Arrays , Multidimensional Arrays,Classes and Objects,Specifying a Class, Defining member Functions, Inline function, Nesting of member function, Static data members, static member functions, friend function .

UNIT V: Constructors And Destructors

Introduction to Constructors, Destructors, Types of constructor, Dynamic Initialization of Objects.

UNIT VI: Inheritance and Extending Classes

Introduction- Inheritance, Type of Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, Abstract Classes.

UNIT VII: Introduction Pointers to Objects

Pointers ,Virtual Functions and Polymorphism,Introduction Pointers to Objects, This Pointer,Pointer to Derived Classes,Virtual Functions,Pure Virtual Functions, polymorphism,types of polymorphism,Defining operator overloading, overloading unary and Binary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators using Friend function.

Unit IX: File Handling

Introduction, files, Stream Input/Output, Buffering and Flush, Exception Handling, String Handling, Sequential Fixed Length Structure, Linked List Fixed Size Nodes, Strings Manipulations, Character String Output Functions ,String Handling Functions Postfix Expression, Simulating .

UNIT X: Exception Handling

Introduction, Basics of Exception Handling, Throwing Mechanism, Catching Mechanism.

UNIT XI: Manipulating Strings

Introduction, Creating String Objects, Manipulating String objects, String Characteristics, Accessing Character in Strings.

UNIT XII: Introduction to Standard Template Library

Introduction,Components of STL,Containers,Algorithms,Iterators,Application of Container Classes.

Reference Books:

1. Object Oriented Programming With C++ – E Balagurusamy.
2. Object Oriented Programming Using C++, Sanjeev Sofat, Cyber Tech. Publication.

2PGDCA5 — C++ Practical

UNIT I: Principles of Object Oriented Programming, Classes And Objects, Tokens and Expressions and Control statements.
UNIT II: Arrays, Constructors And Destructors .
UNIT III: Inheritance and Extending Classes, Introduction Pointers to Objects.
UNIT IV: Exception Handling, Manipulating Strings, File Handling.

2PGDCA6— Data Structure with C Practical

UNIT I: Sorting and Searching Techniques .
UNIT II: Stacks,Queues, Linked Lists algorithms.
UNIT III: Binary Trees Travesals : Preorder,Postorder,Inorder.
UNIT IV: Graphs: WAP of Bredth First Search, Depth First Search.

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