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09864032319 , 09678176577 datacomes@gmail.com

1. Introduction to Oracle (1-7)

0. Welcome and Contents
1. What is Database
2. What is Database Table
3. What are Database Fields and Records
4. What is Oracle
5. What is RDBMS and how it is different from flat files
6. What is SQL. Is SQL common for all RDBMS packages, prove it
7. Installing Oracle

2. Common SQL Plus Commands (8-17)

9. DELETE and UPDATE Commands
10. SELECT Command with WHERE Condition
11. LIKE Operator
12. IN Operator
13. BETWEEN Operator
14. Pseudo Columns
15. Data Types in Oracle
16. ORDER BY Clause in Oracle
17. RENAME Table and DROP Table in Oracle

3. Basic Database Administration (18-23)

18. Savepoint, Rollback and Commit in Oracle
19. Create Tablespace, Create User, Create Role, Drop Role, Drop User, Drop Tablespace in Oracle
20. Tablespace and Datafile in Oracle
21. Alter Tablespace in Oracle
22. Insert multiple records in one or more tables at once in Oracle
23. Grant, Revoke and Grant Table View to other user in Oracle

4. Advanced SQL Plus Commands (24-26)

24. Referential Integrity in Oracle
25. Column Alias in Oracle
26. Table Alias in Oracle

5. Join Operations (27-32)

27. Equi Join and Non-Equi Join in Oracle
28. Self Join in Oracle
29. Natural Join in Oracle
30. Cross Join in Oracle
31. Outer Join (Left Outer Join, Right Outer Join and Full Outer Join) in Oracle
32. Anti Join in Oracle

6. Functions and Column Format (33-38)

33. Column Format in Oracle
34. Aggregate Functions in Oracle
35. Character Functions in Oracle
36. Number Functions in Oracle
37. Conversion Functions (To_Char, To_Date, NVL, Decode) in Oracle
38. Date Functions – Add_Months(), Last_Day(), Months_Between(), Next_Day(), To_Date(),New_Time() in Oracle

7. Command Types (39-41)

39. SQL Commands Type in Oracle
40. SQL Buffer Commands in Oracle
41. Ed or Edit Buffer Command in Oracle

8. Constraints (42-46)

42. IN and NOT IN Operators in Oracle
43. Not Null Constraint in Oracle
44. Unique Constraint in Oracle
45. Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraints in Oracle
46. Check Constraint in Oracle

9. Clause (47-49)

47. Order By Clause in Oracle
48. Group By Clause in Oracle
49. Having Clause in Oracle

10. Subquery, Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus (50-51)

50. Subquery or Inner Query or Nested Query in Oracle
51. Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus Operators in Oracle

11. Data Dictionaries and SQL PL SQL T SQL and SQL Plus (52-53)

52. Data Dictionaries – TAB, ALL_TABLES, ALL_SEQUENCES, ALL_VIEWS etc in Oracle
53. What are SQL, PL-SQL, T-SQL and SQL Plus

12. Alter Table (54-58)

54. ALTER TABLE – ADD new column and DROP existing column in Oracle
55. ALTER TABLE to Modify existing column in Oracle
56. ALTER TABLE to ADD and DROP integrity constraints in Oracle
57. Create, Alter and Drop Sequence in Oracle
58. Create, Alter and Drop named constraints in Oracle

13. Subquery and Set Operators (59-60)

59. Subquery in Oracle
60. Set (Union, Union All, Intersect, Minus) Operators in Oracle

14. SQL Plus Reports (61-64)

61. Execute commands written in physical file
62. Getting started with SQL Plus Reports – Part 1
63. Getting started with SQL Plus Reports – Part 2
64. Getting started with SQL Plus Reports – Part 3

15. Views (65)

65. Views in Oracle

16. SQL Plus Variables (66-68)

66. Input Variables in Oracle SQL Plus
67. Define Variables in Oracle
68. Bind Variables in Oracle

17. Introduction to PL SQL (69-74)

69. Introduction to PL-SQL in Oracle
70. IF-ELSE construct in PL-SQL Oracle
71. FOR LOOP – Looping Command in PL-SQL Oracle
72. LOOP – Looping Command in PL-SQL Oracle
73. WHILE – Looping Command in PL-SQL Oracle
74. PL-SQL Table in Oracle

18. Exception Handling (75-76)

75. Exception in PL-SQL Oracle
76. Tax Calculator and Exception Handling in PL-SQL Oracle

19. Cursor (77-79)

77. Introduction to Cursor in PL-SQL Oracle
78. Cursor Examples in PL-SQL Oracle
79. UPDATE and DELETE using Cursor in PL-SQL Oracle

20. Trigger (80-83)

80. Introduction to TRIGGER in PL-SQL Oracle
81. AFTER INSERT fire UPDATE Command in Trigger
82. AFTER INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE Commands in Trigger
83. Statement Level Trigger in PL-SQL Oracle

21. Procedure and Function (84-85)

84. Introduction to Procedure and Function in Oracle
85. Function in Oracle

23. Database Backup and Recovery (88)

88. Using RMAN (Recovery MANager) in Oracle

24. Oracle Database UI – browser (89)

89. Oracle Database in the Browser – APEX

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